Cookies policy

Cookies policy

Consulting and browsing the site (website), you consent to the cookies as described herein Cookie Policy. If the user does not want to accept the use of cookies, you can disable them using the appropriate settings on your browser.

The policy on cookie policy applies to all Internet sites, applications and platforms of third parties accessed or that are used for access to the site.

Cookies: definition
The site uses a technology called cookies, computer files that are stored on your computer or device used by the user to connect to the site. The data stored, for example in the name of the site visited, duration of latency cookie on the user’s device and the identification code of the cookie.

Cookies: goal
The site uses cookies to give users a better browsing experience and tailor services to their needs. Cookies are also used to collect anonymous information about how to navigate within the same site, to help improve the structure and content of access or to speed up access and future activities to be carried out on the site. In no way this information can personally identify and always anonymous.

Cookies: purposes: type

There are three types of cookies that can be used within the site:

Cookies Navigation (technical)
Analytical cookies (profiles)
Third Party Cookies

Navigation Cookies are used to adequately provide all the functionality of the site and to gather information about navigation modes, such as :. Whence came the visitors, the number of pages visited on the site, how long, etc .. This information is always collected anonymously.

The analytical cookies are used for data processing and statistical analysis on the modalities of consultation of the Site.

The third-party cookies are used by third-party companies, societies, to provide services or features within the site, such as display ads. Using these cookies normally constitutes acceptance of the processing of personal data.

Third-party cookies used by the site are:

Google Analytics
The owner of the service is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). Google uses cookies to profile statistics.

You can view Google’s privacy policy by clicking here.

Google +1
The owner of the service is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). We use our Google +1 site services through plug-in social network Google+.

You can view Google’s privacy policy by clicking here.

The owner of the service Twitter Inc., 795 Folsom St., Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA (“Twitter”). We use our web services via plug-Twitter social network Twitter.

You can check the privacy policy of Twitter by clicking here.

Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304 USA (“Facebook”). We use our web services through the Facebook plugin Facebook.

You can check the privacy policy of Facebook by clicking here.

Cookies: how to disable
Browsers are set to accept cookies: but you can change these settings to disable software and off.

Disabling cookies may cause a malfunction of navigation or limit access to the services offered on the Site.

Depending on the type of browser, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, to disable cookies, you should:

Explorer: all details
Chrome: all details
Firefox: all details
Safari: all details
Opera: all details